For standard shipping, orders typically ship out from our warehouse within 1-2 business days.
During our busiest weeks, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it can take up to two additional days to ship, so between 1 and 4 business days from the date your order is placed.
While orders placed on weekends will be shipped on Monday, they will be locked for editing shortly after being placed. This means that any requests for changes or modifications will no longer be possible once the order is locked.
Orders placed on a U.S. public holiday typically ship in the next 1-2 business days. You may receive a tracking link when the order is packaged over the weekend or holiday, but transit can only begin on a business day.
If you selected Overnight or Two-Day shipping, and your order is placed before 9 AM PT on a business day, it will ship on the same day. Overnight orders will arrive the next business day, and 2-day will arrive 2 business days later. If you place your order after 9AM PT, your order will ship on the next business day. FedEx only delivers Overnight/Two-Day shipping orders on business days.
"Business Days" exclude weekends (Saturday/Sunday) and holidays. The holidays observed by our shipping partners can be found here, or refer to this list:
- New Year's Eve & New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- President's Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- July Fourth
- Labor Day
- Columbus Day
- Veteran's Day
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas